Simple Tips To Break the COVID Groundhog’s Day Cycle

fluffy wild woodchuck gnawing nuts sitting on grass

It’s yet another Motivation Monday!  As I have been talking with clients and colleagues I keep hearing “it’s groundhog’s day again” and “I don’t have the motivation to do XYZ”.  I get it – I too have been in ruts and funks since COVID hibernation began.

Here is what I do to get out of living the same day over and over you can try for yourself!

  1. Identify an organization to give back to and volunteer.  Numerous groups are out there working to be of service to others not just in person but virtually as well in this time of need.  You will get to meet and connect with new people along the way – added bonus!
  2. Tired of Zooms at your desk?  Take it on a walk via your Smart Phone.
  3. Feeling like the work day never ends?  Schedule a virtual or patio coffee with an old friend – now is the time to reconnect with friends no matter where they live!
  4. Pick up a new hobby or activity to do solo or with family / friends – hiking, biking, painting, pottery – there is so much to try.
  5. Find an online meetup or networking group for further education or networking.
  6. Learn something new – there are so many options to learn something new online right now.
  7. Start something with a group of friends like a virtual book club or wine tasting series.
  8. Block time for you in your day – be it the first thing cup of coffee on your patio to the end of day walk. Schedule YOU time on your calendar so no one takes that time from you.
  9. Design or update your vision board to visualize what you are going to do not just when the pandemic has subsided but in your life in general. Be bold and adventurous!

What are you doing to stay motivated or change the daily routine up? Would love to hear other suggestions!
