Warning: It’s Q4 Today – Get Ready for 2021 Now!

Today marks the beginning of the final quarter of, for many, a horrendous 2020.  Even if not personally horrendous (though being quarantined in our own homes for up to 2+ months had physical and mental impacts on the majority, let alone careers), it was impactful, to say the least, with the amount of change each of us went through in a short amount of time.  

How we buy changed.  

How we work changed.  

How we socialize changed.  

How we learn changed.  

Where one wants to live – city vs. suburb – changed.  

And hence perspectives on what is meaningful to one’s life, changed.  

While some were forced to decide a new career direction others took the down time and reflected on where they are and where they want to spend their time – and pivoted.  Or are working on their pivot now.

Q4 is when most companies plan what 2021 – if not 2022 and beyond – will look like and begin to free up funds for fresh January 2nd new hires.  Or hiring consultants and contractors to help with those strategic projects and initiatives that were put on hold.  Are you planning your 2021 and beyond?

If you haven’t taken any time to reflect on what you are doing career wise and what you WANT to be doing, what are you waiting for?  Don’t wait for the US election to come and go to drive your fate, get a handle on where you are and where you see yourself in a fresh new year, now.

In the end you may decide you are exactly where you want to be and exactly positioned for what you want to do next when you want to do it.  But for most, that is not the case.

To help you quickly self assess if you are where you want to be, take this survey that helps you reflect on where you are, where you want to be so to understand how good your “career agility” is to keep you nimble and happy in capturing new opportunities as they arise. 

Self awareness is half the battle.  Taking action is the other.

Not sure where to start in evaluating where you are and where you want to go? Set up your complimentary 15 minute consultation to review your Career Agility results at https://bit.ly/3jrxLrK.
